If you’re living in the greater Philadelphia area and looking for reliable health insurance with a wide network of providers, the Personal Choice PPO plan from Independence Blue Cross may just be the solution you’ve been waiting for. Boasting countrywide coverage, a vast pool of in-network providers to choose from, and the freedom to visit specialists without a referral, IBX PPO plans have a lot to offer. Take a brief tour of the plans with Insurance Shops!
In And Out of Network
IBX Personal Choice has an extensive selection of over 44,000 in-network health care providers and roughly 160 hospitals. Like other PPO plans, you can choose to see in network providers or out of network providers. In network providers will be less expensive than out of network providers, as they have specifically made agreements with Independence Blue Cross to offer healthcare at a reduced rate. Fortunately, IBX’s roster of in-network primary care doctors and specialists is so vast and varied that your preferred health care professional is likely already part of the network.
BlueCard PPO
Among the most attractive of IBX’s Personal Choice benefits is its BlueCard PPO program. With BlueCard PPO, you’ll have immediate access to in-network Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield doctors and hospitals throughout the entire country, safeguarding you during out-of-state work trips and vacations. This revolutionary program offers over 600,000 network doctors and 6,000 hospitals over 48 states, so you can say goodbye to worrying about hefty medical bills for out-of-state accidents.
No Referrals Necessary
When you’re in need of a healthcare specialist, you want to be seen as soon as possible. Unfortunately, the standard system usually requires patients to visit their primary care physicians for referrals before they can see specialists. This can be an arduous process; not only do you have to plan, schedule, and wait for an appointment to see the actual specialist, you have to do the same for your primary care physician beforehand. IBX’s Personal Choice plan cuts out the middleman and allows you to conveniently see specialists without having to worry about referrals.
Check Out IBX PPO Plans Today!
If you’re interested in any of the above features, IBX’s Personal Choice plan will likely suit you well. IBX’s PPO plan comes in 3 tiers: Gold, Silver and Bronze. Varying in plan price and deductible costs (the more expensive the plan, the less expensive the deductibles), you’re certain to find the tier that’s perfect for you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Insurance Shops today for guidance and greater detail! Happy hunting!